11 Ekim 2014 Cumartesi

Ted-ed Technology Integration

I think that sometimes I may use the technology in my classes. As the technology is a part of our life, we have to update ourselves to be able to use it in our teaching. For example, I like doing homework online, and I like to have the opportunity of adding pictures, videos and any other visuals easily to my writing or homework when I do it online. It is convenient. I think, in the future, I may prepare online quizzes or I may want students to write their answers on their blogs. Of course, there will be better programs than blogger. So, I want to learn and use them because I can reach my students’ homework whenever I want; in addition, I can write comments or their peers can write comments. Therefore, I believe that it is a nice way of improving reading and writing. While using the technology, I may encounter some problems which is very natural. For example, when I want my students to use the internet in the school, the school may not have an internet access or wi-fi. Also, there will not be enough computers for all students. I may solve this problem only giving online homework so that students have a chance to access the internet outside of the school.

2 yorum:

  1. Beril you have good future plan about the using technology in the class. But I have a question for you. Can you use online quiz in Primary school. If the students dont have a computer at their home of if the school dont have computer room. In my opinion Turkey or Cyprus have more steps for technology in the lesson.

  2. I may use online quizzes as long as I am sure that everyone has an access. Otherwise, I can find another option. By the way, I can use online quizzes at primary school level but of course it will be something like a game for them. Not like a real quiz we have now. :)
