7 Ekim 2014 Salı

My Ideas about Digital Literacy (Ted Ed)

It is obvious that technology develops fast. In the near future, even after 5 years, there will be big changes in education thanks to the technology. Teachers need to update themselves and find new ways of instruction or using digital materials. Maybe, in the future, there will be no classrooms. Teachers and students may communicate via the internet. Actually, I do not want this type of changing because I find face-to-face education better in terms of asking questions while learning, speaking in front of others and student-teacher communication. However, I do not say that digital literacies are bad because we need them in today’s world. They make teachers’ lives easier. In my high school years, I remember that we only used a television for watching films, CD player, and overhead projector as digital literacies. However, in my teaching experiences, I will use smart boards, tablets, notebooks, different software programs related to education, and other digital literacies that we will see. Nevertheless, I am not sure about whether my school provide the necessary environment or not for me and my students. As a teacher, I think I will limit the use of mobile phones, tablets or notebooks because it is hard to control students, of course this is up to their age level. If they are adults, I will let them use their mobile phones in lessons.

3 yorum:

  1. Hi Beril :) I can say that we have similar ideas about digital literacy and I exactly agree with you in terms of preffering face-to-face teaching rather that distance learning.
    However, I am not sure about limiting the usage of smart phones because you know today's children grow up with the technology and they cannot live apart from the technology, so I think it may be difficult to limit their usage. Do you think that you will be able to limit their usage?

  2. Hi Beril. I actually like the idea that "the future students "will not need teachers as a physical being. However, the idea may not work for teenage students because of the their mental development. At this point, your expectation about face to face communication can help you to handle probable situations that you are responsible for leading in a regular course.

  3. Yes, Özlem you are right about children are dependent on the technology. Actually, this is the point I want to change a bit because they need to learn listening to others and they have to learn giving attention to other things such as lessons rather than mobile phones. In their work life, they will not use the tablets or mobile phones all the time, they have to communicate with people or they may give/ listen to presentations. So, they shouldn't be overdependent on their tablets and mobile phones.
