11 Ekim 2014 Cumartesi

Assure Model

Assure model is integration of technology and media to instruction. In my high school and prep. school, we only used video, projector and PowerPoint. I think these are not enough for assure model. More materials related to technology should be used in classrooms. In my school life, only Steve teacher use the internet effectively and teach us various websites which are really useful for teaching and learning. In assure model, the first step is ''analyze learners'' which is extremely important because knowing your students is the essential part of the instruction. Teachers should know their students' needs and capacity. Generally, my teachers did this step. The second step of the model is '' state objectives''. In my courses, my teachers gave us information about what we will learn after the lesson. Next step is ''Select Media and Materials''. This step is one of the most important steps. Selecting a material should be done carefully. Teachers should use various materials in their classes to attract the students' attention. Carefully selected media and materials make the lesson more memorable and fun for the students. In terms of selecting materials, my teachers were not good. Generally, they used course books and hard-copy. Some of them rarely used projector and the internet. I think that some teachers don't know how they integrate the technology to their lessons. Another step is ''utilize technology, media and materials''. This step includes selected materials, preparing the classroom environment, warming up the students, providing the learning experience. The next step is ''require learner participation''. My teachers did well on this area. They tried to get each of us actively involved in the lesson. The last step is ''evaluate and revise''. In this part, teachers look at whether their objectives are met or not. They assess their learners and materials used in class.

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