2 Kasım 2014 Pazar


What extra information does a concordance provide that you couldn't get from the vocabulary profile? Take the word "MATERIALS" as an example -- what lexico-grammatical information does the KWIC suggest about the word? Try to explore the collocates of "MATERIALS" - compare the collocates 'ENHANCED" with "AUTHENTIC" (Find these words in the word cloud and click on them - the KWIC of each will appear in sections above the MATERIALS KWIC Which is a 'stronger' collocate of MATERIALS in this text? For the word ''materials'' a concordance provide me collocations which I didn't get from the vocabulary profile. The word ''materials'' is generally used after the word ''enhanced''. In other words,this word is used after the adjectives.Th,s word''materials'' is plural noun in the text. It is on the subject position in the text. When I look at the word ''enhanced'' is a stronger collocate of ''materials''. ''Enhanced'' is used as an adjective. Similarly, the word ''authentic'' is also used as an adjective.

22 Ekim 2014 Çarşamba

Smmry of DDL

TASK BASED LEARNING Task-based language learning is an approach which was developed in the 1980s by the Indian language teaching specialist N.S. Prabhu. TBL is based on the idea that the acquisition of language and linguistic competence as well as language and language learning awareness can best be realised through tasks which encourage the learner not to focus explicitly on the structure and the rules of the new language. AIM OF DATA DRIVEN LEARNING The principal aim of all teaching activities must be the creation of a learning environment in which learners are asked to carry out authentic tasks. Providing the appropriate data, organized into suitable units of information and supported by relevant processes must be the foremost task of educational design of any kind of language learning and teaching resource in order to contribute to the success of any learning situation. The traditional transmission model of learning must be replaced by models which emphasise information processing and knowledge construction as acts of learning most suited to the acquisition of the kind of skills needed for the knowledge society. In addition to the undeniable need to achieve instructional goals, the development of cognitive and strategic abilities suitable for the knowledge society is defined as one of the principle aims of a learning process based on knowledge construction and discovery learning.


Wordle: Untitled

19 Ekim 2014 Pazar

Duolingo Web

Duolingo is a website which is free. It is used for learning a language. It seems fun and effective in terms of teaching a language. It includes translations from a language to another and it teaches you which word means what. For example, you are a native speaker of English who wants to learn Spanish,duolingo starts giving you a sentence from a Spanish website ans asking you to translate it. This process and the simplicity of the sentences are different according to your target language level. Also, I saw that people like this website and commented on it in a good way. For example;
Lastly, here is their website details:
I think it is a useful website for the learners of a new language since it is free and provides exercises online.

11 Ekim 2014 Cumartesi

Ted-ed Technology Integration

I think that sometimes I may use the technology in my classes. As the technology is a part of our life, we have to update ourselves to be able to use it in our teaching. For example, I like doing homework online, and I like to have the opportunity of adding pictures, videos and any other visuals easily to my writing or homework when I do it online. It is convenient. I think, in the future, I may prepare online quizzes or I may want students to write their answers on their blogs. Of course, there will be better programs than blogger. So, I want to learn and use them because I can reach my students’ homework whenever I want; in addition, I can write comments or their peers can write comments. Therefore, I believe that it is a nice way of improving reading and writing. While using the technology, I may encounter some problems which is very natural. For example, when I want my students to use the internet in the school, the school may not have an internet access or wi-fi. Also, there will not be enough computers for all students. I may solve this problem only giving online homework so that students have a chance to access the internet outside of the school.

Chapter 2 Four Learning Theory Perspectives

Over the past half-century, there have been several learning theories. In today's world, some of them are still used but there is technology,and it affects the learning and teaching ways. One of the learning theories is behaviorism. According to behaviorism observable behaviour is important in learning. Also, reinforcement and rewards are really important at the time of learning. For example, when I was in high school, in Turkish literature course, my teacher gave me a plus as a reward because I said the author's name when I heard the name of his book. Behaviorists don't care what happens internally when people learn. Therefore, they can only explain simple learning tasks but not teaching higher skills. In contrast, cognitivism give importance to internal process at the time of learning. Piaget explores how people think, solve problems,and make decisions. Cognitivists create a mental model of short-term and long-term memory. In cognitivist theory, students become less dependent on techer when compared with behaviorism because students can use their own cognitive strategies in learning environment. Another theory is constructivism. In this theory, learning happens according to students' own experience, interpretation and understanding. Constructivists believe that when students use authentic materials or learn by doing, they learn effectively. For example, in Public Speaking course last year, I prepared slides and I gave presentations which were really helpful for me. I learned how to give a presentation by performing. Another perspective is social psychology. Social psychologists look at how the social organization of the classroom affects learning such as group working or individual study. I think that group working is more effective and fun way of learning. For example, in my Research course, working with a partner motivates me and I can continue to work without boring. Today, thanks to the technology, collaborative work become more easier because people can access each other via the internet. I use the internet in my courses both in high school and prep. school. We watched movies and videos in class. Sometimes, my teachers used powerpoint and projector. I think the materials related to the technology makes my learning effective. I remember those films and videos. However, I don't remember hard-copy or coursebook materials. To sum up, I can say that teachers should use eclectic theories because everybody has a different way of understanding.